
HelpAlong is a dedicated service provider proudly registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. Our primary focus is on delivering comprehensive support to individuals with disabilities. We thrive in sectors where the pillars of successful relationships are built on care, quality service, and empathy.

Short-Term and Medium-Term Accommodation for NDIS participants in South East Queensland

Short Term Accommodation (STA) offers the chance for a person with a disability to enjoy a stay away from their family home, increase their independence, meet new people, and learn new skills, all while having their disability support needs to be met.

STA is also great for families. Caring for someone can be quite involving and a break is always welcome to rejuvenate. STA allows them to put their caring responsibilities to the back of their mind when or if they need some time out to recover.

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is housing that you can stay in for up to 90 days. MTA might be an in-between solution if you have been in hospital or rehab and need some extra care before you return home.

Both these categories include accommodation in a suitable facility, food, personal care and support and activities we both agreed to, and all the basic expenses in 24 hours.

Have more questions about Short-Term and Medium-Term Accommodation with HelpAlong? We are always there to support you in need! Chat to our team on (07) 2111 1486 about how you might use this funding or other support categories or click the link below to connect with us.

Oops! The eligibility criteria do not match.

Thank you for expressing interest in joining HelpAlong Pty Ltd. We appreciate your time and effort.
Please note that eligibility to work in Australia is a mandatory requirement for all applicants. Unfortunately, if you are not entitled to work in Australia, we are unable to proceed further with your application. We encourage you to explore opportunities that align with your eligibility. Thank you for your understanding.


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