What four letter word is the same forwards backwards and upside down? This is the riddle we read going into the shops today. And the answer? Noon, of course. Will says it like all mere mortals should know the answer. We have a laugh. There are always laughs to be had around Will. He is a character, and witty is how to describe him. But if you ask Will what word best describes himself he would say weird! And he would encourage everyone else to be their best weird. Will’s special abilities include his spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) diagnosis and his wannabe superpower is to be invisible. Why? So he can sneak up on people and say, ‘Boo!’ naturally.
‘I can do anything with sufficient time,’ Will tells me, ‘sufficient time is not determined by you or me, but by the universe. Given sufficient time, anything is possible.’
Will became a valuable member of HelpAlong in March 2023. His supports have increased to fit in appointments like physio, shopping excursions (which may or may not include confectionery stores), aqua therapy, finding fresh air and seeking sunshine, plus favourite cultural outings in the community. Sadly for us, but hugely exciting for Will, he is moving West in a couple of months – just in time for winter weather. Hmm, not sure Will’s favourite beanie will be sufficient to keep him warm – this is where we mention Will’s ingenuity and entrepreneurial ideas such as Willy’s Warmers (patent pending, or not) note the possessive apostrophe there please! Or was it going to be Willy’s Wraps? Still using possessive form people. See, got it covered Will (pun a bonus). It has potential to be a marketing nightmare or more likely to make marketing magic.
We need a bigger word count for Will! Maybe when he’s out bush he’ll find the time and inclination to share his own stories online in an SCA blog or the like. Thank you Will for sharing your humour with us and for being our first creative content post.